Hundreds of birds flew into a woman’s home

Shirley Brown came home last Friday night to quite the scene. Birds were everywhere in her home. Ms. Brown spoke with KMPH FOX 26 News about her ordeal. The Exeter, California resident said, “I mean, they come out of nowhere, and then they’re here. And there’s like, 200 or 300 of them...yeah, I screamed a couple of times."

Hundreds of birds inside a home can lead to one heck of a mess, especially if they’re freaking out. Ms. Brown told KMPH, “I think the most horrifying was how they got in and the mess that they were making while they were here because birds are scared and they are pooping.” She wanted to clean up, and got out her vacuum cleaner. That was a mistake. Ms. Brown said, “When I did that, I scared them, obviously and they were flying out of the chimney…and so, we were just chasing birds all for about an hour. It was nuts.”

Ms. Brown thought that the birds were maybe just tying to get away from a storm, but as of last night, they kept coming back every evening at the same time. There are other homes on her block with chimneys, but they keep coming back to her house. She hopes that when the weather changes, they’ll go away.

So, what kind of birds are they? KMPH reports that the birds that flew into Ms. Brown's home are Black Swifts, a species with a global population of approximately 150,000 that can be found in Central America, the West Indies, and the western half of North America.

More info: KMPH