‘Fowl’ mouthed owl whisperer removes bird from kitchen using a Swiffer

‘Fowl’ mouthed owl whisperer removes bird from kitchen using a Swiffer

A man recently posted YouTube videos documenting his challenge to remove a wild owl from his kitchen. As reported by Canoe.ca, Colton Wright approached an owl that had become lodged in his window blinds. The bird was hanging upside down and quickly flew right at Colton to the other side of the kitchen. That’s when Mr. Wright let out a very loud scream, and some choice words, which was captured on his video titled, “Owl In My House.”

After what Colton writes was, “40 minutes of hysterics,” he was able to guide the owl out of the house. In the second video labeled “The Owl Whisperer,” Wright has a much more relaxed demeanor…and a Swiffer. He eased the intruder onto the Swiffer’s rectangular base, and with the owl staring him down, Colton slowly moved the bird out of his kitchen window and on to freedom. The victorious owl whisperer then rejoiced with the celebratory use of more choice words.

(*Words of warning: Both videos contain language that may offend some people. You may want to turn the volume down when playing the video labeled “Owl In My House.”)


Videos and more info: Canoe.ca, YouTube/Colton Wright (1), YouTube/Colton Wright (2)