How 2013's War on Abortion is Being Waged State by State

Source: How 2013's War on Abortion Is Being Waged State by State

Today, Arkansas's legislature advanced a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy with no exceptions for rape or incest. That's after advancing the "heartbeat" bill last week that outlaws abortion after six weeks - before many women even know that they're pregnant.

Last month may have been the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, but 40 years later, bills that are unconstitutional thanks to that decision are still being proposed (and even passing). Arkansas is one of several Republican-run states making a big push in 2013 to ban abortions with bills targeting women's reproductive rights.

President of the Center For Reproductive Rights Nancy Northup spoke with Rachel Maddow recently about why these state-run attacks against abortion matter. States like North Dakota and Mississippi are in the process of closing down the last abortion clinics standing - currently there's only one remaining in each - essentially preventing a woman's constitutional right to having an abortion in those states. And these bills are spreading across the country, a scary trend for women's rights advocates. If you're concerned about your right to choose, take a cue from a group of Kansas college students who are proactively lobbying state legislators to prevent stricter abortion regulations. Here's a state-by-state breakdown of the bills being brought to the table so far in 2013:

Ban abortions after 20 weeks

  • Arkansas

  • Iowa

  • North Dakota

  • Virginia

Ban abortions after six weeks (when many women don't even know they're pregnant)

  • Arkansas

  • Kentucky

  • Mississippi

  • North Dakota

Personhood abortion ban that could affect birth control and fertility treatments

  • North Dakota

  • Oklahoma

  • South Carolina

  • Virginia

Related Content: Celebrities on Both Sides Get Real About Abortion

Restrictions on abortion medications

  • Alabama

  • Indiana

  • Iowa

  • Mississippi

  • Missouri

  • Texas

Forced ultrasounds

  • Indiana

  • Mississippi

  • Missouri

  • New Mexico

  • Wyoming

Ban abortion for rape victims based on doctors not "tampering with evidence" of rape

  • New Mexico

72-hour waiting period for abortion does not include weekends and holidays

  • South Dakota

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