McCain: We need a study of the study on ‘don’t ask’

Arizona Sen. John McCain, who led a Republican filibuster in September against repealing the military's ban on openly gay service, suggested Sunday that the soon-to-be-released Pentagon study may not contain enough information to shelve the unpopular policy.

"Once we get this study, we need to have hearings. And we need to examine it. And we need to look at whether it's the kind of study that we wanted," McCain said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Sources told the Washington Post that the study will show that most troops are fine with letting their comrades serve openly. A sizable minority strongly objects, however, including 40 percent of Marines.

McCain's call for hearings dims the chances the Senate will repeal the policy during Congress' lame-duck session, Politico reports, since the study will not be released until Dec. 1.

Aubrey Sarvis, director of the pro-repeal Service Members Legal Defense Network, had harsh words for McCain. "Sen. McCain is clearly out of touch, not only with the American people, but also the Pentagon and our troops," Sarvis said in a statement. "McCain seems to be saying he wants a do-over because he doesn't like the findings and recommendations in the Pentagon report going to Secretary Gates. In other words, McCain is telling the Pentagon: Keep working until you produce the outcome I'm looking for."

(Photo of McCain: AP)