Cute micro pig enjoys tummy rub

Micro pigs in a huddle - Eshott Heugh Animal Park, Felton, Northumberland

Here's a little midday pick-me-up: a cute micro pig smiling, purring and melting hearts with his adorableness thanks to a tummy rub from his owner.

Watch petpiggies' video of the blissed-out micro pig below.

Earlier this year, the Winnipeg Sun reported on the micro pig trend. They're easily house-trained, don't shed, and get along with other animals, making them an attractive pet option.

Breeder Jason Tralen warns that micro pigs, while small, do grow.

"They’re no different from a kitten or a puppy — they’re not going to stay (that size)," he said. "They do grow, but not to the size of a full-grown pig. They get to be anywhere from 10-14 inches tall and 25 to 30 pounds. So they’re very small."

"Everybody advertises them when they’re small and cute and not everybody does their homework, and they think they stay like that."

Many Canadian municipalities prohibit owning pigs and other farm animals as pets. And perhaps it's just as well. While it's cute to watch a tummy rub on YouTube, the little porkers aren't necessarily the greatest companions.

"People who acquire these animals don't necessarily know what they're getting into and these types of pets tend to be high maintenance," animal welfare expert Geoff Urton told CTV News.

Kirsty Bayley, a pig herd manager at the Institute for Animal Health, agrees.

"Pigs are naturally rooters. They started out as forest animals. If they are kept in a house they are going to be destructive," she told BBC News.

Still, they're charmers when tickled, aren't they?