France calls for new cease-fire resolution to stop Syrian violence

France said Tuesday it would introduce a new U.N. Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in Syria, and implored Russia and China not to block the measure this time. The two countries vetoed a similar measure earlier this month.

The new resolution "could stipulate an immediate cease-fire and access for humanitarian aid as well as renewing our support to the Arab League," French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe told French lawmakers Tuesday, the Associated Press reports.

France's plan to return to Security Council measures came as diplomats from the United States, Turkey and the Arab League blasted the Assad regime for committing atrocities. The condemnation happened during a debate on Syria held at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday.

More than 7,500 Syrians have been killed in the Syrian regime's assault on citizens during the 11th month crackdown, UN political chief Lynn Pascoe said.

"Assad and his criminal cohort are waging a brutal campaign of slaughter, bombardment, torture and arrest that has already murdered thousands of women, men and children," U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations Esther Brimmer told the 47-member Geneva-based Council on Tuesday.

[Slideshow: Syrian security forces attack rebels].

Meanwhile, Tunisia, which last weekend hosted a "Friends of Syria" international conference on the Syrian crisis, offered to give political asylum to Syria's Bashar al-Assad and his family if it would help stem the violence.

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