Tories ask supporters to help change the “channel” on the Senate scandals

Lately the Conservative Party has included a lot of anti-Trudeau language into their fundraising efforts.

Interestingly, it seems that they've changed their strategy.

As part of their latest fundraising campaign to supporters, the Tories are asking for money to help change the channel on the Senate scandals.

Yahoo! Canada News obtained a telephone recording of one of those solicitations.

Here is their pitch, made to a 'supporter' on Thursday:

"Next month, the House gets back in session and we're worried that the media is going to pick up where they left off and that was the Senate issue. And you know, we want to focus on a lot of other things that we've done well.

We're doing a big media campaign. The economy is our number one focus. Our country's economy is the strongest in the G-7. Our taxes are the lowest they've been in 15 years. We've overhauled our criminal justice and immigration [systems] in the last 2 year's we've had our majority.

But it seems most of the media coverage remains pretty negative.

So by doing this we can get our message out to Canadians. We will also have a new Speech from the Throne which will lay out the direction of the government for the next two years, as well, heading into the next election.

And we're just asking for your support to get that message out with a 75 per cent tax credit.

...When we go back in September we know what we're going to be facing. We're really trying to change that channel and that's why we're doing the campaign at the same time to get agenda."

[ Related: Harper Conservatives are still the best at raising money ]

It's easy to understand why the Tories are launching this campaign in light of the ongoing Senate scandals.

So far, luckily for them, most of the public's anger is directed at Senators Mike Duffy, Patrick Brazeau, Mac Harb and Pamela Wallin along with the institution itself.

But at some point, there's going to be some damage — if just collateral damage — to Stephen Harper's team.

After all, Harper is the one who handpicked the three of the maligned senators. It's widely believed that Duffy and Wallin were chosen because they could help the party raise money.

[ Related: Pamela Wallin audit spurs debate about what is ‘Senate business’ ]

We now know that the RCMP is alleging that Duffy charged the Senate for travel expenses in 2011 while campaigning for the Conservatives.

Wallin's audit report — released earlier this week — highlighted several instances where she billed taxpayers for attending Tory fundraisers.

And, things are probably going to get worse for them.

CBC News is reporting that "the Senate's internal economy committee has accepted a plan by the federal auditor general to review all senators' expenses, including travel and office expenses."

In all likelihood, more of Stephen Harper's senators are going to be outed for improper expense claims.

So trying to change the channel?

That's probably a good idea.

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