Siri and Facebook Experience Improvements Coming to iPhone, Says Apple CEO Tim Cook

Image credit: Joanna Stern / ABC News

LOS ANGELES, CA - Apple CEO Tim Cook didn't only speak about how he'd like to see an iPhone made in the U.S. at the All Things D conference - he also spoke about some future product plans, which include an improved Siri and Facebook experience for the iPhone.

Cook didn't detail the future Facebook plans for the iPhone, but in response to a question about why the world's largest social networking platform isn't integrated into the smartphone like Twitter, he announced that people should "stay tuned." Cook also hinted at a deeper partnership between Facebook and Apple several times throughout the hour interview.

"Facebook has hundreds of millions of customers. Anyone with an iPhone or iPad, we want them to have the best experience on those. So, stay tuned," he commented.

When asked by ABC News about what happened to Apple's Ping music social network, Cook also shed light on just how Apple sees the broader social space.

"Apple doesn't have to own a social network, if that's the heart of your question," Cook responded. "Does Apple have to be social? Yes. The ways we do that today, you see Twitter into iOS, and you'll see it in the Mac with Mountain Lion. Some people see iMessage as social, and it's an elegant solution. You'll see more things like that in the future."

And that's not all that's coming in the future. Cook also revealed that Siri will be getting an update, one that makes the digital assistant a bit smarter.

"Customers love it. It is one of the most popular features on the iPhone 4S," Cook said. "But, there's more that it can do. We have a lot of people working on this. I think you'll be really pleased with what you see in the coming months on this."

Apple is expected to demonstrate the features in its next version of iOS at its World Wide Developer's Conference in June. Tim Cook would not comment on any of the iPhone 5 rumors in his interview at the All Things D conference.