Patrick Swayze's Wife Recreates 'Dirty Dancing' Scene

It’s a picture as endearing as the love story it was recreating. Patrick Swayze’s wife, Lisa Niemi, posed for the classic “Dirty Dancing” log scene at the unveiling of his new wax figure at West Hollywood’s Madame Tussauds today.

Right: Patrick Swayze's widow recreates "Dirty Dancing" log scene at Madame Tussauds in West Hollywood / Left: Patrick Swayze as Johnny Castle in "Dirty Dancing" (1987)

Stretching out her arms, she stepped on to the log, and balanced in front of the life-size model of her late husband, who died two years ago of pancreatic cancer at age 57. Niemi was supportive of Madame Tussauds decision to immortalize Swayze as his iconic character, Johnny Castle.  ”The fact that is this log scene is so perfect for Patrick because he was so fearless, and confident, and always pushing the edge,” she said. “This pose says a lot about Patrick, but also about ‘Dirty Dancing’.” The photo of Niemi has sentimental meaning as well.  Swayze met Niemi when she was only 15, while she was taking dance classes from his mother. Swayze’s figure will join the ranks of such Hollywood icons as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart, as well as Hollywood’s latest stars including Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston and Will Smith.