Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too: It’s National Dessert Day


Courtesy Semi-Homemade Magazine

I don’t really need a reason to eat dessert. (What!? Brownies aren’t breakfast?)

But since today is National Dessert Day, now I have another reason.

Clearly the best part of any meal, dessert comes in many forms. Cakes, puddings, ice creams, pies: they all are items that we consider dessert. Even if you are inept in the kitchen, throw some whipped cream on strawberries and you have – you guessed it – dessert.

Some pastry chefs have blurred the lines a bit, by adding unexpected twists like black pepper ice cream or tarragon crème brulee.  These savory elements appeal to those who prefer something a bit less on the sweet side.

As one who eats less turkey on Thanksgiving in order to save room for dessert, National Dessert Day is now my favorite food holiday. So take out your cake pans, turn on your ovens, and prepare this Black Forest Cake that is ridiculously easy to make and incredibly delicious. With a box of chocolate cake mix, cherries and whipped cream, you, too, can celebrate a national holiday that is very dear to my heart.

Try this treat today and give the leftovers away. Otherwise, you’ll be eating it for breakfast like I do.

For all things dessert, check out the 5 Top Desserts from NYCWFF’s ‘Sweet’ Event.  Or, if you’re a pie master, enter the “Pie of Emeril’s Eye” contest.