Alec Baldwin Sends Twitter Followers to Attack Girlfriend's Tormentor

When an online bully wouldn't leave Alec Baldwin's girlfriend alone, he turned the tables, telling his Twitter fan base to attack a user named @scarfacemadam.

According to the 53-year-old actor, the Twitter user had "entered the twitter-verse ONLY to harass my girlfriend," Hilaria Thomas. He added that the person's tweets were "borderline threatening" and encouraged his followers to decide for themselves.

Baldwin's followers, which tally close to 800,000 fans, promptly reacted to his plea and eventually fired back so many tweets that @scarfacemadam closed down their account. A sample of tweets, compiled by The Hollywood Reporter, show that fans supported Baldwin's plight.

@UrbanTroas said, "U r beyond creepy & downright disturbing. Stop harassing @alecbaldwin GF & seek psychiatric attention! (You've been served)." @amydetjen wrote, "You must be a very angry and lonely person to obsess over the choices another woman has made for herself. Tried counseling?"

This isn't the first time Baldwin's taken to Twitter to solve a problem. After being booted off an American Airlines flight for refusing to shut down his iPhone, Baldwin aired his grievances about the airline 140 characters at a time.