Blizzard of Ahhs — How to Rent an ’80s Ski Onesie


This is what living the dream looks like. (Photo: GetOutfitted)

I think about ski onesies way more than I should probably admit.

C’mon, admit it. That girl you spotted recently on the ski slopes, the one rocking the hot-pink ski onesie who just oozed vintage cool? You wished you could look half as rad as she did. Right?

Me too. Only I’m not quite ready to commit to buying my own Dynasty-era ski ensemble. Instead I’d rather test my fashion-forward limits by renting one from GetOutfitted, the Colorado-based Web service specializing in renting high-end ski apparel, accessories, and camping/outdoor gear by shipping it directly to your destination.

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You can now actually rent a retro ski kit — complete with new goggles and gloves and a classic onesie — starting at $25 a day. Sizes vary and include brands like Obermeyer, Bogner, and the North Face, to name a few.

Why does this company rent onesies? I am delighted that they do, but it’s a valid question.

It all started 10 years ago, when 28-year-old vice president of sales and marketing Mike Mueller received one as a gift from his dad.The Muellers are a onesie-wearing family, and so the gift made sense.

After inheriting more family heirlooms and receiving yet more onesies from friends as gifts, Mueller was soon sorting through thrift shops in search of more.

“The ’80s took ski fashion to new levels. Companies pushed the envelope on what people thought was possible,” Mueller explained to us. “The amount of neons, crazy patterns, and flair incorporated into a single outfit was downright impressive.”

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They’re also functional.

“One of the best things about the ’80s onesie is how you get more with less,” Mueller says. “You can be ready to ski in seconds: Just throw on your onesie and seconds later, you’re good to hit the slopes.”

By the time his collection had grown to more than 22, he suggested adding his onesies to the rental platform.

“The onesies were, after all, in mint condition, exceptionally warm, and irresistibly fun to wear,” says GetOutfitted’s creative director Nicole Roosien. “So why not prolong their landfill-doom by offering them a few last runs?”

All jokes aside, the company is genuinely committed to giving back through this new program. Acknowledging that the ski industry does affect the environment, Roosien says — by high water use, wildlife disturbance, and soil erosion — GetOutfitted will donate 20 percent of each onesie rental sale toward Leave No Trace, an environmental education nonprofit based in Boulder, Colo.

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