The blizzard blanketing the East Coast is a stunning giant in this view from space


The massive storm dumping snow from Georgia to New York is just as beautiful from space as it is for those waking up to the fresh powder outside their doors.

Astronaut Scott Kelly, currently aboard the International Space Station as part of a year-long mission, tweeted a view of the storm from his window this morning.

See also: Witty blizzard brand tweets are coming as fast as the snow

In the photo, a massive cluster of clouds can be seen blocking out much of the east coast, while the blurry lights of big cities shine through below.

Kelly also managed to get a glimpse of lightning illuminating the clouds during a rare thunder snow event later in the day.

Kelly reminded his followers that the end of the storm was still several hours off. When the space station passed over the midwest shortly after, he Tweeted a photo of skies beginning to clear over the bright lights of Chicago, with clouds visible over the east in the distance.

"East Coast seen in distance clearly has a long way to go."

At the end of the day, Kelly had one more shot of the snow storm to share — a beautiful view of the clouds clearing over the snow coated Earth below.

The potentially historic snowstorm is dumping up 20 to 30 inches of snow or more across parts of the East Coast, and bringing damaging coastal flooding and crippling travel disruptions to millions of people in its path. On Friday, NASA released a rarely seen supercomputer-generated simulation of the entire storm's evolution, showing its growth into a major blizzard.

In New York, the snowfall forecast jumped overnight to 15 to 20 inches or more, and the city was seeing blizzard conditions with winds gusting to 50 miles per hour on Saturday morning. D.C. residents meanwhile woke up to 14 inches of snow already on the ground, with more on the way.

The storm is well on its way to entering Washington's top 10 list of the largest all-time snowstorms.