Blank Banshee Returns with New Album 'Mega'

Bandcamp cult favorite Blank Banshee returns with their third full-length.

Bandcamp cult favorite Blank Banshee, not to be confused with the equally as awesome Blank Body, caught attention with the fantastic Blank Banshee 0 back in 2012. Following up the released with its sequel, 1, Banshee retreated for three years, occasionally surfacing with the promise of a new album. Now that album, Mega, has finally arrived. Surpassing expectations, Banshee's third full-length is considerably more experimental, resulting in the best release from the project yet.

The mysterious Canadian artist might not be for everyone, but the unique production on display here is something to behold regardless. There's a sense this is the most polished and out-there of Banshee's albums, with that becoming apparent by the time the insane second track "My Machine" rolls around. Through the inventive use of samples to the distinct textures on display, Mega is engaging from start to finish.

Listen to lead single "Frozen Flame" below, and check out the full album here.

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