BlackBerry says it’s ‘in talks’ with Instagram and Netflix to make BlackBerry 10 apps

BlackBerry 10 Instagram Netflix
BlackBerry 10 Instagram Netflix

Say this for BlackBerry — they seem to know they have an app problem and they’re working hard trying to fix it. A BlackBerry spokesperson has told AllThingsD that the company is “in talks” with both Instagram and Netflix (NFLX) to make mobile applications specifically for the BlackBerry 10 platform. However, the spokesperson also added that they “could not confirm when those apps will make their way into the store,” so BlackBerry fans may have to wait a while before they have access to two of the biggest apps in the mobile world. As we noted earlier, Instagram’s absence on BlackBerry 10 is particularly glaring because RIM claims it has a strong partnership with Instagram owner Facebook (FB).

[More from BGR: BlackBerry Z10 review]

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