Bishop Hall graduates 74 students

May 20—THOMASVILLE- Bishop Hall Charter School celebrated its 25th anniversary with the graduation of 74 students Friday evening.

Threatened storms did not materialize during the ceremony, although power went out about 7:25 p.m. Backup power came on after a minute, and full power was restored a minute later.

The ceremony began about 6:30 p.m. with the seniors marching into the Sherman Hall Gymnasium and circling the gym floor to reach their seats, surrounded by friends and family in the bleachers and in chairs set up on the floor of the gym.

Principal Verna Wiggins led a moment of silence for the victims of a vehicle accident the previous day in Meigs as well as for Samantha Fowler, a member of Bishop Hall's Class of 2024 who died in 2021.

In opening remarks, Wiggins warned students against deceptions. She said like dark glasses, sometimes life can make it hard to see, even to tell friend from foe. "Not all that glitters is gold," she said.

"Let not the darkness deter you but let it be a reminder of the resilience within," she said.

Graduates Gavin Thompson and Mary Grace Posey stepped onto the stage. Thompson addressed his classmates with words of courage as they face the future.

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate," he said, "but that we are powerful beyond measure."

Posey then led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Principal Todd Creech of the Renaissance Center presented the Class of 2024, and Thomas County Schools Superintendent Dr. Lisa Williams certified them has being ready for graduation.

Dr. Retha Lee, the 2024 Teacher of the Year, read the name of each graduate and told some information about each, after which Williams moved the tassel on the student's cap to symbolize their graduation. The graduate then stepped past her to receive their diploma and to have photographs made.

After all graduates were recognized, Nix gave closing remarks. She urged her classmates to never give up.

"When life gets difficult, take a deep breath and come at it from a different direction," she advised.

As Nix's speech concluded, the graduates rose from their seats, turned to face the parents and friends seated behind them and threw their caps in the air in celebration.