Bimbo visits 'Botched' for help with bimbofication

A bimbo named Alicia visited the surgeons of Botched to see if they could aid her in her quest for total bimbofication. Alicia described bimbofication as "looking plastic-perfect and dressing as a male fantasy." Alicia's boyfriend, Roblake, was very supportive of her, saying, "Bimbofication is a really cool idea, actually. I support her big breasts." Alicia was visiting the doctors specifically to address her augmented breasts. But she had hopes of having other surgical procedures as well. She said, "I would love to have my ribs removed and have an internal corset to always make it a really, really small waist. A bigger butt. And then also maybe in the future, get my fingers stitched together -- make it a permanent doll hand. I love that idea." Unfortunately for Alicia, the doctors diagnosed her with grade 3 capsular contracture, which is a hardening of the breast tissue. The doctor felt the best way to remedy the situation would be to switch the implant with a smaller implant until the tissue could heal. Since Alicia was only interested in having her breasts enlarged, the two parties went their separate ways. Alicia said, "I am sad that he don't want to do my boobs bigger, but one day these boobs will be 1,500 ccs."