What Bill Russell taught Bill Belichick about silent leaders

Bill Russell
Bill Russell

New England sports’ fans know of the legend of Boston Celtics’ legendary player Bill Russell. Bill Russell, a Boston sports’ hero, was an 11 time NBA champion as a member of the Boston Celtics and along with head coach Red Auerbach, created debatably the greatest dynasty in professional sports’ history.


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Bill Russell and Red Auerbach were kind of the Tom Brady and Bill Belichick of the 1950’s and 60’s. The dynasty that they created in the NBA was nothing short of improbable and astounding, much like what has happened with the New England Patriots in the Brady-Belichick era. The respect of Bill Belichick towards Bill Russell is certainly noted.

Recently, Bill Belichick was talking about “silent leaders” and their role in professional sports. It is funny that Belichick happened to mention the silent leadership of one player on his team that seems to fly under the radar, Duron Harmon.

Harmon, a safety for the New England Patriots, has proven his grit and intelligence on the field, even with his lack of starting playing time. A primary nickel safety, Harmon sees less action than the likes of big name safety Devin McCourty but Belichick sees the value that a guy like Harmon brings to his football team.

“Duron is, I’d say every team, or most every team I’ve ever coached, there are always a couple guys on the team that I would say, for lack of a better word, that are silent leaders,” Belichick said. “They have leadership but it kind of comes out in a little bit of a different way than Junior Seau or Tedy Bruschi or somebody like that. Again, I’m not saying one is better than the other, they’re just different, and I would put Duron kind of in the silent leader category.

“But I would say, and Bill Russell taught me this, that in a way, a silent leader in some respects is more powerful than a more vocal leader because you hear the vocal guy, you see him, you’re very aware of it, but then there are guys that give you that quiet leadership that in a way is more powerful because it’s not quite out there as much, but it’s that quiet push that sometimes can maybe have a little more impetus. So you could put Duron in that category. …

“If he says something, you can count on it. He’ll be there, he’ll come through, and he’ll deliver it.”

Harmon has worked hard to learn the New England Patriots’ defense and has become an important piece in Belichick and Matt Patricia’s defense. With Harmon’s contract coming to an end at season’s end, expect to see Belichick to do everything he can to hold on to the soon to be free agent.

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