Bill would give Pease developers upper hand over local communities: Letters

Bill would give Pease developers upper hand over local communities

March 13 − To the Editor:

All residents of towns surrounding Pease International Tradeport should take notice:  HB 1513 was discussed by House Committee on Resources, Recreation, and Development on March 13 at 10 a.m. This bill, introduced by one sponsor, Rep. Mark McConkey of Carroll County,  completely strips away local representation on the Pease Development Authority Board of Directors! Future appointment to the PDA Board of Directors would be made by the governor and executive council. No longer would the towns surrounding Pease International Tradeport  have any role in the appointment of PDA Directors, thus overturning  the original PDA  articles of incorporation.

May I remind readers of the recent joint venture proposal by Kane Commercial Real Estate and Procon Construction to bring national and international air cargo distribution to the Pease Tradeport. This proposal was ardently supported by PDA Executive Director Paul Brean in a major media/public relations campaign.

A coalition of concerned citizens representing all towns on the perimeter of the Tradeport opposed the Kane-Procon proposal on the grounds that it would have a profound impact on the quality of life for Seacoast residents. The principle issue was the well-known preference of air cargo carriers to operate at night when airways are not crowded by commercial and private air travel.  This would mean exposure to the loud noise of takeoffs and landings causing repeated arousal from sleep. Vetted published medical studies have convincingly demonstrated that frequent nocturnal awakening results in impaired performance in both schools and workplaces. Fortunately, the locally-appointed members of the PDA Board of Directors listened carefully to the arguments pro-and-con;  local advice and consent of democracy worked; and the proposal was withdrawn.

But now it seems likely that Carroll County Rep. McConkey’s HB 1513 is a blatant attempt on behalf of industry to circumvent local advice and consent by stripping the PDA Board of locally-sponsored appointees! Good for development, but bad for Seacoast Quality of Life and self-determination.

Clinton Frederick Miller II MD


Editor's note: The House Committee hearing this bill voted against it unanimously. It now goes to the full House for a vote.

A bill before the New Hampshire House would undermine local communities' oversight of Pease Tradeport by taking the power to appoint board members away from Portsmouth, Newington and Greenland and giving it to the governor and executive council.
A bill before the New Hampshire House would undermine local communities' oversight of Pease Tradeport by taking the power to appoint board members away from Portsmouth, Newington and Greenland and giving it to the governor and executive council.

A two-state solution is in America’s best interest

March 10 − To the Editor:

Last Monday, I attended the Portsmouth City Council meeting on the resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.  I’m not Jewish or Muslim. I’m just an American looking for a Middle East strategy that puts America first. This starts with a cease-fire leading to a two-state solution. This may not be ideal for Israel or the Palestinians, but these folks are not my primary worry. My chief concern is us. I’m 68 and have supported U.S. Middle East policy since sitting in a gas line as a 17-year-old during the first oil embargo. I spent my entire career in the airline industry where over the years ever-tightening security measures were put in place to thwart terrorist threats. I was working in New York City when the attacks on our soil on September 11 unfolded. I accepted these circumstances in support of our foreign policy objectives in the region. But, after 50 years, the expenditure of blood and treasure has not worked for America and I fear that we will continue to be at risk if we don't alter our approach.

Our long-term national economic and security interest lies in a stable Middle East—one that aligns U.S. interests with a broader group of regional allies, including Israel. Stability could go a long way to defuse Iran and enhance our position relative to 21st-century adversaries: Russia and China. The timing and circumstances may now be right for us to support a two-state solution that guarantees Israel’s existence while giving Palestinians a home state. It won't be easy but I believe it's a must for us.

The passion expressed on both sides on the violence in Gaza during the city council meeting reminded me of my late father. He was a teenager in Nazi-occupied Greece during WWII. Before he passed in 2011, he took me to a spot in his Greek village where he recounted the execution by firing squad of 40 men and boys randomly rounded up from the local civilian population by the German army. They were executed in retribution for the killing of one German by the Greek resistance force. The Germans made no distinction between innocent civilians and armed resistance fighters. For them, the value proposition was one German was equal to 40 innocent civilians. As I was listening to the debate that night, I wondered what is our value proposition for innocent Palestinian lives?

James T. Lalos


Horrified by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s third party challenge

March 13 − To the Editor:

As a devoted protégé of JFK, a lifelong supporter of his uncle Ted, and and a great admirer of his father Bobby, I’m horrified by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Third Party challenge to Joe Biden.

I’m also deeply alarmed by his potential danger to our democracy, our nation, and our reputation as a country. Is he blind to Joe Biden’s platform that mirror's JFK’s values?

RFK Jr’s uncles and father inspired me and a generation of young Americans to join the Peace Corps, serve our country, and build respect for the United States around the world.

RFK Jr.’s dangerous intrusion into our national election seriously risks a return of Donald Trump to the White House, thus undermining everything his uncles and father worked so hard to achieve.

Go back to where you belong, RFK Jr., promote environmental conservation and the important work that is urgently needed to reverse the climate change that threatens our planet.

To continue your misguided political campaign threatens our future.

Malcolm Odell


The writer was in the first group of Peace Corps volunteers to serve in Nepal from 1962 to 1967.

Emmett Soldati will fight for reproductive rights on executive council

March 11 − To the Editor

My name is Emma Dolan and I am a certified birth doula and childbirth educator in theseacoast; and I volunteer as an abortion doula at the Lovering Health Clinic in Greenland, NH.

As a doula I am a non-medical support person, and in my volunteer position I hold hands and comfort people as they have procedural abortions.

It is not uncommon for patients traveling as far as the Mount Washington Valley down toGreenland as there are no other alternatives. This speaks to the immense lack of access to reproductive care especially in our rural communities.

We need Emmett Soldati as an executive councilor as he knows the importance of and will fight for the funding of existing abortion clinics, and will work to make abortion and reproductive healthcare more accessible to communities up north, instead of defunding them as the majority of our Executive Council is doing.--

Emma Dolan 


What will the next insurrection look like?

March 12 -- To the Editor:

What will the next insurrection look like? Is it being planned now? Who will be in charge? Trump? Trump's henchmen? Flynn or Bannon? Or the gaggle of right wing, anti-American nutcases with which he surrounds himself? Which institutions are they planning to attack? How? Armed or unarmed? Can they out-do what they have already done and, more importantly, are they going to try?

Robert Stein



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This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Bill would empower Pease developers over local communities: Letters