The Bill O'Reilly War on Christmas Is Not Wicked Enough

Bill O'Reilly — a reliable, steadfast defender of job creators — is still inexplicably defending a holiday that exists to redistribute wealth and the culture that surrounds it, a propaganda machine built to shame any job creators that resist this annual ritual of confiscation. The Fox News host continued his misguided war on the War on Christmas Thursday night, claiming:

"They're denying on the left, many of them, our pal, Jon Stewart, being among them, that there is any war on Christmas at all. I'm making it all up. I'm fabricating."

Guests Bernard McGuirk and Greg Gutfeld — whose book is titled The Joy of Hate: How to Triumph Over Whiners in the Age of Phony Outrage — agreed that the war was real. O'Reilly imagined the war — the top battle being Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee's decision not to ban a state-funded Christmas tree, but merely to call it a "holiday tree" — as some kind of weapon to erode religion and legalize weed. O'Reilly explained:

"It's the diminishment of Christianity is the target and Christmas is the vehicle because the secularists know their opposition to their agenda. Legalized drugs is in that as well, coming, primarily, from the Judeo- Christian traditionalist people."

RELATED: Let the Real War on Christmas Begin

The reason O'Reilly's analysis seems so fuzzy — despite clearly being made in good faith and after much deep thought — is that he's still looking at it through the Christmas Propagandist mindset. Break free, Bill! The problem is not that the left hates Christmas too much, but that the right doesn't hate it enough.

RELATED: Even Jon Stewart Can't Stop the War on Christmas

As I've said, the whole point of Christmas is to distort the wisdom of the free market by giving free stuff to the "less fortunate" — people whose skills the free market has priced at little value. Liberal Hollywood profits from an enormous propaganda industry that promotes this dangerous view in films like A Christmas CarolA Muppet Christmas Carol, It Happened on Fifth AvenueIt's a Wonderful Life, etc. In all of these films, a cartoonishly grouchy job creator is taught a terrible lesson: that people aren't poor because they're bad. In It Happened on Fifth Avenue, a millionaire tries to solve a problem — that his daughter wants to marry a homeless veteran — by creating a job for the veteran (in Bolivia). This is depicted as villainy! The successful job creator is only redeemed in the end by letting a homeless person live in his vacation house.

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When will conservatives write their own Wicked, the musical that imagines the story of Oz from the Wicked Witch's perspective? Where is the pro-Scrooge masterpiece, in which Scrooge is not brainwashed into participating in this orgy of socialism, but instead merely tosses some scraps to pacify the pitchfork-wielding hordes while he plots his escape to America? This is the war that O'Reilly should be waging. You know what's on my Christmas list? That he sees the light.