Bill Maher Gifts the Obama Super PAC with $1 Million

Bill Maher Gifts the Obama Super PAC with $1 Million

Despite earlier criticism of both super PACs and the president, the political firebrand wrote Priorities USA Action, Obama's super PAC, a $1 million check onstage last night in San Jose, CA. 

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The Hollywood Reporter reports that Maher pulled off this attention-grabbing act of political generosity during a performance of his standup show StupidCrazyPolitics. (The show was webcast on Yahoo.) According to THR and, Maher's donation should boost the super PAC's funds to around $5.5 million.

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Before taking the stage, Maher hinted on Twitter about a "surprise":

Just for shits and giggles, what do u think my surprise announcement is at the end of #CrazyStupidPolitics?

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) February 24, 2012

Was the surprise Maher's financial support of Obama's re-election in light of his criticism of super PACs  and Obama's performance? Or the fact that the comedian was in a position to donate that much money?