‘Bill Clinton’s Son': A Short History of ‘Black Love Child’ Presidential Attacks (Photos)

‘Bill Clinton’s Son': A Short History of ‘Black Love Child’ Presidential Attacks (Photos)

Visitors to conservative websites on Monday were re-introduced to Danney Williams-Clinton, who claims to be the secret spawn of a secret relationship between Bill Clinton and his mother, a Little Rock prostitute named Bobbie Ann Williams.

That’s right, America: We’ve entered the Black Love Child phase of Campaign 2016.

There’s a long history of allegations of presidents or presidential candidates having secret African-American children. In some cases they actually did. Why is this allegation thrown around so often? Probably because America has a long history of racism.

It all started with Thomas Jefferson, who actually did have children with Sally Hemmings, one of his slaves.

In the book “Walter White: Mr. NAACP,” author Kenneth Robert Janken accuses William Henry Harrison of breaking bad by fathering six children with a slave named Dilsia, then giving four of them to his brother because it would not be “politic” to have fathered slave children. (Or to give children away, but maybe morals were different then.) Harrison is of course most famous for dying soon after he became president. Karma?

Harrison’s veep, John Tyler, is also rumored to have fathered an African-American child, the Daily Beast notes.

He didn’t. In fact, McCain and his wife, Cindy, had adopted a Bangladeshi girl, Bridget.

Which brings us to Bill Clinton. It’s the first Monday of October, and the perfect time for an October surprise. The good news: There’s only one month of this election left.

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