Bill Clinton’s Alleged Son Danney Williams Banned From YouTube

Danney Williams permanently suspended by YouTube
Danney Williams permanently suspended by YouTube

YouTube has permanently suspended the account belonging to Bill Clinton’s alleged illegitimate son Danney Williams, according to Gateway Pundit.

Williams’ nine-minute viral video called “Banished — the untold story of Danney Williams,” which received more than 1 million hits, has been taken down. According to YouTube, Williams’ account was banned because of unspecified “repeated or severe violations” of the social network’s policies and cannot be restored.

Williams has never met the man who he claims is his father.

During the election season, several of the big internet portals have been accused of suppressing information that would reflect unfavorably on Bill or Hillary Clinton. At the present time, there are lots of videos on YouTube discussing the Danney Williams case, however.

Last Wednesday, Danney Williams was in Las Vegas — the site of the third and final presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump — where he announced at a press conference his intention to seek a court order to obtain a DNA sample from his alleged dad Bill Clinton for purposes of a paternity test.

Williams is the son of a Little Rock, Arkansas, prostitute who supposedly had relations with then-Governor Bill Clinton on multiple occasions and allegedly got pregnant by him, but he has never been acknowledged by Clinton as his “love child.” Williams has indicated that he has attempted to get in touch with Bill Clinton on numerous occasions with no results.

While Danney was growing up, the Williams family supposedly received cash in the mail every month along with Christmas gifts delivered by state troopers, but all that ended when Bill Clinton was elected president in 1992. Williams and his aunt, who raised him while his mom was in jail, went to the governor’s mansion at one point but were chased away.

Bill Clinton supposedly met Bobbi Ann Williams when he was out jogging.

Williams has maintained that everyone in Little Rock thought that he was Bill Clinton’s unacknowledged son, and many in the community remarked about the resemblance between the two.

The 30-year-old father says he has written letters to Bill Clinton, sent him emails, wrote letters to his presidential library, and even tried to contact the former POTUS via Facebook, but he has never received a response. Williams has also disputed an account published by The Star that a proper DNA test disproving the Clinton paternity was previously conducted.

On the now-banned video, Danney Williams expresses confidence in his paternity.

“I have no doubt that I am Bill Clinton’s son. It was common knowledge, everyone in Arkansas knew. Everywhere I went, they pointed out: ‘It’s Bill Clinton’s son right there. You look like him, don’t you? The ears, the mouth, the chin, the teeth, the eyes, the nose. I see him in me. You can see a black Bill Clinton…I always feel bad about him not wanting to be in my life. Was it because I was black? Was there something wrong with me? Why he don’t want to be a part of me? It made me even think of sometimes suicide.”

Raised in difficult circumstances, Williams was often shuttled off to foster homes while his alleged stepsister Chelsea Clinton grew up a child of privilege, he also noted in the video.

“It made me wonder. She says Black Lives Matter, why I don’t matter to her?,” Danney Williams wondered about his alleged stepmom Hillary Clinton.

Parenthetically, according to The Smoking Gun, Danney Williams allegedly has a long rap sheet.

“Williams is actually a convicted felon and ex-con who fathered five children by the age of 21 and has been sued by state officials for failing to pay child support. He was released last year from state prison, has been busted for passing bad checks, repeatedly violated probation, and copped to the frequent use of marijuana (which he began smoking at age nine).”

Do you think that YouTube banned Danney Williams’ account for political reasons?

[Featured Image by Matt Rourke/AP Images]

Bill Clinton’s Alleged Son Danney Williams Banned From YouTube is an article from: The Inquisitr News