A Big Night for Ann Romney

In National Journal’s Republican National Convention Update this week: Ann Romney will kick off the convention, under intense pressure as women’s issues take center stage in the race; the GOP platform could give rise to attacks on Mitt Romney’s stance on abortion; and the convention could have an unwanted guest in Hurricane Isaac.

A Big Night for Ann Romney

[National Journal, 8/22/12] Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan thrills conservative Republicans, but those voters are not Romney’s biggest problem. More important are less ideological voters that he needs to win over. That’s especially true of women—and that’s why the stakes are high for Ann Romney’s speech on the crucial opening night of the convention. Aside from the nominee himself, no one can make a more personal and heartfelt case for his candidacy.

GOP Platform Could Boost Attacks on Romney’s Abortion Stance

[National Journal, 8/21/12] The Romney campaign has tried to clarify its position on abortion to distance the nominee from Rep. Todd Akin’s controversial comments, saying: “A Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.” But don’t expect attacks on Romney’s abortion stance to ebb, especially considering the perennial aabsence of a rape exception in the GOP platform.

Storm Threat Emerges for GOP Convention

[National Journal, 8/20/12] The Republican convention in Tampa could face an unwelcome visitor: a tropical storm, or, worse, a hurricane. If it forms, Hurricane Isaac could disrupt the convention, but officials have contingency plans in place.

GOP Packaging Seeks to Reveal a Warm Romney

[New York Times, 8/19/12] A team of Romney advisers, producers, and designers have been scripting a program for the convention that they hope will paint a full and revealing portrait of who Romney is. Instead of glossing over Romney’s time in private equity and shying away from his faith, they will embrace his career and his personal life.

GOP Convention Themes Include a Shot at Obama

[The Hill, 8/21/12] Convention planners have come up with themes for the first three nights of the convention, one of which hammers President Obama for his own words. On Tuesday, the theme is “We Built It,” a play on an Obama comment earlier this year. Monday’s theme is “We Can Do Better” and Wednesday’s theme is “We Can Change It.”

Akin Will Not Attend Convention

[TPM, 8/22/12] After the firestorm surrounding Akin’s “legitimate rape” comments, the Senate candidate is honoring the wishes of some party leaders that he not attend the convention.

Jindal, Portman Tapped as Convention Speakers

[National Journal, 8/16/12] The Republican National Committee announced six more speakers for the convention, including Sens. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Rob Portman of Ohio, as well as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

No More Dead Doves—Conventions Still Matter

[National Journal, 8/20/12] Conventions can swing the minds of millions of voters, all in less than a week. It is no surprise, then, that strategists work so hard to try to script and control every minute of the event.

Republican Platform Calls for Guest-Worker Program

[National Journal, 8/21/12] On Tuesday, the Republican platform committee took a tough stance on immigration issues, while calling for a “legal and reliable source of foreign labor through a new guest-worker program.”

Republicans Reject Proposal to Endorse Same-Sex Civil Unions

[CNN, 8/21/12] The GOP platform committee rejected a proposal to include formal support of same-sex civil unions in the party’s platform

Joe Biden Will Be in Tampa During RNC

[Washington Post, 8/21/12] Following days of rumors that Vice President Joe Biden would be travelling to Tampa during the Republican National Convention, the White House has officially confirmed plans for a trip next Monday and Tuesday. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus was none too thrilled.

Democrats: Secret 'Menu' Details Perks for Big Donors

[ABC News, 8/17/12] Those seeking invites to the most lavish receptions at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, including "gold ticket" access to "dialogues" and private breakfast briefings with party luminaries, can expect a hefty admission price -- up to $1 million in donations in some cases. But the DNC won’t release the names of these top donors before the convention starts.

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