Big Bear Wildfire Scorches 850 Acres

Smoke rising from the wildfire in Holcomb, California, can be seen in this image, June 19, 2017.

Voluntary evacuation orders were issued in Holocomb Valley, California, as fire fighters struggle to contain a wildfire northeast of Big Bear Lake. According to the Big Bear Fire Department, the Holocomb fire started at 3.05 p.m. PDT (6:05 p.m. EDT) Monday over an area of 10 acres and grew rapidly to cover about 850 acres by 6 p.m. The cause of the fire has not yet been ascertained.

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However, it was reported there was no threat to life or structures as the fire burned through heavy timber, tall grass and chaparral. The threat to Big Bear has been described as ‘moderate’ by fire officials. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said surrounding populated areas in Baldwin Lake, Holcomb Valley and around the Big Bear dump were being evacuated.

The Big Bear Fire Department clarified on Twitter that reports of mandatory evacuation were erronous, and that no evacuations were currently in effect.

Highways and trails in the area, including Highway 18 from Baldwin Lake Road north to Mistubishi Plant Road, the Pacific Crest Trail from Highway 18 to Van Dusen, the Doble Trail and the Tanglewood Group campgrounds have been closed by the California Highway Patrol.

A tanker 911, a DC-10, 18 engines, 9 water tenders, 16 hand crews, 8 air tankers, 6 helicopters, 1 bulldozer, and multiple fire-fighter units were called in to stop the spread, ABC7 reported. But as of 7:34 p.m. PDT, fire officials said not even one percent of the blaze had been contained.

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A report by the Sun said it was 85 degrees with 10 percent humidity when the fire broke out and wind speeds of about 5 mph were blowing from the southeast, with gusts up to 23 mph. A temporary restriction has also been imposed on drones flying in the area. Federal Aviation Administration imposed a Temporary Flight Restriction to prevent any drones and aircrafts from flying over the area.

InciWeb, the government's Incident Information Sytem, said on its website the smoke from the fire could directly affect portions of the Eastern San Bernardino Mountains. The South Coast Air Quality Management issued a smoke advisory, instructing residents to maintain caution. Meanwhile, many residents took to social media to post pictures and videos of the fire and the smoke.

This is a developing story.

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