Biden's Meeting with the NRA Results in Pledge for More Lobbying

The National Rifle Association promised to lobby Congress to block the proposals offered by Vice President Joe Biden's gun control commission, which is going to issue a report to President Obama on Tuesday. We didn't expect the NRA-Biden talks meeting to go well, and they did not. The NRA's lobbying wing posted a statement reading in part:

We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment. While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners — honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans.

It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems. We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen. Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works — and what does not. 

The NRA previewed the meeting by telling Politico it would be making the case that it had "real Americans" on its side, a tired cliche we are bored with. At least in the phrase "agenda to attack the Second Amendment," the NRA is stepping into relatively new rhetorical territory.

RELATED: Don't Worry, NRA: Obama Can't Do Much on Guns by Himself