Biden doesn't have failed border policy. Congress refused to act for our good. | Letters

The first European immigrants who came to this land were fleeing religious and political persecution imposed upon them by the will of kings and queens. That’s why they established a government model that has three branches of authority called the executive branch (the president), the legislative branch (Congress) and the judicial branch (the Supreme Court).

The object is to have all three branches work together for the sake of the entire country, not any one special interest group.

Politician's who tell you that the president has a “failed policy” are not being honest. It takes all three branches of government to function effectively.

More perspectives

Thanks for your anger mayor. It means nothing when the law goes unenforced.

Why do college students protest? They know truth about Israel's genocide in Gaza.

On the problem of control of our southern border, for example, it is dishonest for a politician to suggest that the president has a failed policy when, in truth, it is the failure of the entire Congress to pass a policy into law.

It's past time for American citizens to reclaim their power to elect politicians who will work for the good of the entire nation, not just the privileged wants of the few.

June Wessa, Milwaukee

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: President Biden is being criticized by dishonest people on border bill