Biden calls Ukraine leader, urges end to standoff

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden says there's no time to lose in bringing about a peaceful resolution to a standoff between Ukraine's government and protesters.

Biden called Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych (yah-noo-KOH'-vich) on Monday. It's the second time Biden has spoken to Yanukovych in less than a week.

The White House said Biden offered U.S. support for negotiations to end the standoff. The call comes as Yanukovych is agreeing to scrap harsh anti-protest laws that set off clashes.

Biden warned Yanukovych against harsh security measures like declaring a state of emergency that he said would further inflame the situation. He called for Ukraine to pull back riot police and to respond to the Ukrainian people's grievances.

The White House has previously threatened sanctions on Ukraine if the use of violence continues.