Biden asks Americans to judge Trump 'by the facts:' Unemployment, coronavirus cases, and its death toll

Joe Biden is focusing on the devastating numbers that have come out of the Trump presidency over the past few months.

The former vice president officially accepted the Democratic party's nomination on Thursday at the final night of the Democratic National Convention. And in making his fullest case for his election yet, he asked everyone to judge President Trump purely "by the facts."

Biden started his speech with a slew of broad promises: that he would choose "hope over fear, fact over fiction, fairness over privilege," and "work hard for those who did not support me." But "no rhetoric is needed" to display just how different he is from the president is up against, Biden continued. "Just judge this president by the facts," namely the 5 million Americans infected with coronavirus, 170,000 who have died from it, and the more than 50 million people who have filed for unemployment over the past few months.

Biden went on to list ways he would combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including through a national mask mandate, "not as a burden but as a patriotic duty to protect one another."

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