As Beyoncé Lip-Sync Scandal Continues, White House Has Deemed It Unimportant

At his daily briefing Wednesday, the ever-serious White House press corps asked Press Secretary Jay Carney to comment on what is, apparently, one of the most important issues facing Washington: Did Beyoncé lip-sync at the inauguration? And does the President know? 

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Unfortunately, Carney was not able to illuminate much. He hasn't talked with President Obama about the matter:

"I have not had the discussion with him," Jay Carney says about whether Obama know or cared about Beyonce's lip syncing.

— Matt Viser (@mviser) January 23, 2013

And he basically thinks we're all being a little silly: 

Carney on lipsynch-gate: "not an important issue to address from the podium here."

— Ali Weinberg (@AliNBCNews) January 23, 2013

Jay Carney on Beyonce: I actually have no idea what's true and what's not...I'm glad you guys are foused on the important issues of the day.

— Charlie Kaye (@CharlieKayeCBS) January 23, 2013

Well, at least now we know what one Jay thinks about this (admittedly ridiculous) story. But what about the other Jay

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We haven't learned much more about the incident — other than Aretha Franklin thinks it's funny — since the Marine Corps backtracked on the earlier allegations late yesterday. In Forbes Zack O'Malley Greenburg explains that the scandal won't hurt Beyoncé's brand. Greenburg quotes vocal instructor Ilana Martin, who estimated that 25 percent of performers use a "magic mic" of sorts, explaining that "[y]ou pre-record, sing some notes, the engineer mutes some, and it’s literally a mixture of you and your recording." Along those same lines, NPR found a blog post by a British audio engineer explaining his theories as to why he believes Beyoncé was both singing live and using a pre-recorded track. 

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Other stars, from Jennifer Lopez to Beyoncé's Destiny's Child bandmate Michelle Williams, have weighed in, but we still want to hear what Bey herself has to say. Because that seems a little more useful than the White House.