Beware, Arizona: 2024 election mischief is already afoot

Guest columnists Pinny Sheoran and Jonah Minkoff-Zern lay out a scenario for Arizona’s upcoming elections that should have everyone in our state very alarmed (“Legislature’s inaction sends message to election workers under siege: Fend for yourselves”).

The political party that created havoc during the last elections is at it again. This time the plan for their mischief is being developed well in advance of the actual elections and is being aided by the Arizona Legislature.

What makes talk of active shooter drills for election workers and legislators blocking legislation designed to protect these workers so disturbing is the fact that this thinking is quickly becoming the norm.

Elections should be free of fear and intimidation. One party continues to demonstrate loyalty to this ideal; the other does not.

When you vote this November, understand that our democracy is on the ballot. It’s important that you vote accordingly.

Robert Rosania, Scottsdale

What school choice really means

Does school choice mean the parents or the schools make the choice? It means that the school decides which students to enroll.

We must understand the importance of getting a public education versus privatizing schools.

Public schools are open to all children, whereas non-public schools funnel public tax dollars to schools that have the right to exclude racial minorities, children with disabilities, English Language Learners, LGBTQ students and the economically disadvantaged.

In the long run, if you read the research, traditional public schools outperform voucher schools. But that’s another story.

Mary Lou Arbanas, Pine

Sonny Borrelli owes us an apology

Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli reacted to calls for the Arizona Legislature to pass a state law guaranteeing women the right to contraception by responding:

“Like I said, Bayer Company invented aspirin. Put it between your knees.”

He apparently also suggested that “Women wouldn’t need contraceptives if they weren’t so promiscuous.”

Senator Borrelli has demeaned every woman who resides in Arizona with his statements. He owes all Arizona residents an apology, and he must immediately step down as the Arizona Senate majority leader.

No elected official deserves to hold a position of leadership when that official holds such an appalling opinion of women.

Nancy Bennett, Chandler

What they don't say about dirty air

Republican leaders of the Arizona Legislature and the Arizona Chamber of Commerce are joining other states in suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

They claim that EPA’s proposal to lower standards for microscopic particulate matter (known as PM 2.5) in order to protect public health will harm businesses and our power grid.

Danny Seiden, president and CEO for the chamber, stated that the proposal to lower limits from 12 micrograms per cubic meter to 9 is far greater than even the current European Union standard of 25 and makes no sense from a public health perspective.

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Unfortunately, what Mr. Seiden fails to mention is that the EU is currently proposing to lower its standard from 25 to 10.

When discussing air pollution and its well-known deleterious effects on public health and mortality, the public deserves an honest discussion of facts, rather than just one carefully chosen to justify a particular position.

Mike Ringer, Scottsdale

This NY guy roots for the D-Backs

The Diamondbacks were the most exciting thing in baseball last season, partly because of their style of play and partly because they’re not the Los Angeles Dodgers or the Atlanta Braves.

How many teams have a Rookie of the Year winner who was also second in all of baseball in triples?

The Diamondbacks had one of the strongest off-seasons in baseball earning “A” and “A-” grades by some well-respected polls.

It barely made headlines.

Some veterans did not return. And I realize that their 2023 World Series run doesn’t guarantee anything in 2024. (The betting sites like to remind everyone of that.)

But when it comes to the National League and particularly the NL West, there are a lot of us out there rooting for Arizona.

Adam Silbert, New York, NY

Israel can win hearts (and save lives)

The situation in Gaza is an opportunity to function outside the box.

Let’s suggest to Prime Minister Netanyahu that if he wants to continue his mission to completely wipe out Hamas (unrealistic as that might be) and he wants to prove that he cares about Palestinian people rather than going on slaughtering them by the thousands, he should make this grand gesture.

Israel will open the West Bank they occupy and provide shelter and food to all the innocent Palestinians who are trapped in Rafah. They will be cared for and protected by Israel (and all those nations that want to participate in this humanitarian effort) until they can safely return to their homes after Israel finishes its mission as regards Hamas.

Think of it, an act of incredible kindness and regard for human life by the Israeli government! It would be such a switch that people around the globe would be overwhelmed. Antisemitism would seriously diminish. And the killing of children would end.

As an 85-year-old born in the Jewish faith, I would love to see this explored and proposed.

Arleen Lorrance, Scottsdale

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Arizona elections are under seige, and the Legislature is helping