Here are the best tweets from the past week

This week, Twitter celebrates us common folk. The people who decided to step out of the ordinary and become extraordinary. 

SEE ALSO: Obama tweets 69 percent statistic, Twitter’s pretty into it

Between someone wearing a full Orlando Magic jersey to the bank, friends duping high art aficionados at an art gallery, and an anonymous account making Oscar Isaac dance to all the music, this week has been all about the power of the people on Twitter. But also celebrities as always because c’mon don’t be ridiculous.

1. Man sports a full Orlando Magic getup at the bank

Need to make a deposit at 7:00 p.m., but then tipoff for an NBA game at 7:30 p.m.? Follow in this bold man’s footsteps and sport your vintage Shaquille O’Neal Orlando Magic jersey, complete with arm sleeve, to the bank. This is also the preferred technique for trying to steal money from Shaquille O’Neal’s bank account.

2. Girl gets a knife tattoo, dad has some fun with it

No knife can compete with the cutting power of a dad joke. @teenagepuppy shared her new tattoo of a knife with Twitter, as well as her father’s reaction to it once he saw it. If knives are what’s cool with the kids these days, why not cover yourself in them?

3. Hooligans trick everyone into thinking random glasses are an art exhibit

Image: @TJCruda/twitter

Please, do not touch the fake art. @TJCruda and friends enjoyed a nice outing to an art gallery a lot more once they put a pair of glasses on the ground, sat back and watched the masses soak it in like a brilliant minimalist installation. If we had to guess the fake name of this fake exhibit, it would be, “Vision.”

4. The Office enjoys a mini-reunion over Memorial Day weekend

The Office 2, confirmed. Jenna Fischer posted a photo of herself, John Krasinski and Brian Baumgartner enjoying a break from the taxing day-to-day of a paper company, and soaking up the sun on a Saturday playdate over Memorial Day weekend.

5. Adele pauses her concert to tell someone to quit filming and just enjoy it

Adele doesn’t have any patience for you filming at her live shows. So the lesson here is, if you’re going to go to an Adele show, sit far enough back that so that Adele won’t go off on you for filming in front of everyone, but just far enough back so that you can capture her going off on someone else and post it to Twitter.

6. Twitter account is dedicated solely to putting different songs to the dance sequence from ‘Ex Machina’

As if the Internet needed another reason to like Oscar Isaac, we’re now able to make him dance to whatever we want. Account @oscardances takes song requests from Twitter users and overlays them atop the unforgettable dancing scene from 2015’s Ex Machina. Make sure to check out the insanely perfect Kim Possible version.

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger admires elephant until it b-lines right for him

The man who played the Terminator, Conan the Barbarian and was an actual real life Mr. Olympia did not phase this wild elephant one bit. The Arnold may be a big fan of elephants, but this elephant is not a big fan of his.

8. Gillian Anderson vies for role as the next Bond, Jane Bond

Actress Gillian Anderson posted a tweet earlier this month of herself in front of the iconic gun barrel sequence from the James Bond films, adding the caption #NextBond. She has continued her Twitter campaign for becoming the next 007, to much fan support.

9. Man wearing giant penis costume sneaks his way onto live CNN broadcast

Things don’t normally get this spicy on CNN. In a segment with Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta outside of Trump Tower, a man dressed as a giant penis tagged along and became the star of the show. The man appears to be wielding a sign that reads, "Photos with Donald Trump." So, probably not his biggest fan.