Bernie Sanders Slams Trump's Tax Plan

The Vermont senator said President Trump's plan would make the rigged economy worse.

Bernie Sanders slammed President Donald Trump’s tax plan Wednesday after officials released an outline of the revamped plan in a press briefing. The Vermont senator took to Twitter to denounce what the Trump administration called the "biggest tax cut" in U.S. history.

“We have a rigged economy designed to benefit the wealthiest Americans and large corporations. Trump’s tax plan would make that system worse,” Sanders wrote.

Read: Bernie Sanders Busy Fighting Trump, Revamping Democratic Party

White House chief economic adviser Gary Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin appeared in a press briefing Wednesday to reveal an outline of the president’s tax plan. The plan included a reduction in the number of income tax brackets from seven to three, cutting the corporate tax rate from 25 percent to 15 percent and instituting a one-time tax on corporations’ overseas interests.

“Republicans have a lot to say about tax breaks for billionaires. But they don’t have much to say about raising wages for our workers,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday.

Sanders frequently denounces the president’s policies on social media and in speeches, repeating many of the principles he ran on as a Democratic candidate during the 2016 presidential election. He has repeatedly railed against the interests of the wealthy, calling for a higher minimum wage and a renewed commitment to the middle class.

While on a recent cross-country tour aiming to bring change to the Democratic Party, Sanders spoke out against some of Trump’s plans like increasing military spending while cutting other budgets.

“Our job is to take on the moneyed interests,” he said during a speech in Kentucky last week.

Sanders was not the only liberal lawmaker to denounce Trump’s tax plan. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released a statement Wednesday in which she called the outline “a wish list for billionaires.”

“Instead of focusing on hard-working families as he promised, President Trump’s tax outline is a wish list for billionaires,” Pelosi’s statement said. “What few details are here overwhelmingly cut taxes for the richest and do little for middle-class Americans and those trying to get there.”

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