What Are the Benefits of Virgin Louana Coconut Oil

Virgin Louana coconut oil has become very popular in recent years and for good reason. Savvy health researchers and people such as yourself who are concerned for their health, both externally and internally and their nutritional well being have discovered the many benefits of virgin coconut oil.

The benefits of louana coconut oil for skin are many. Most women who buy the Louana brand use it daily on their skin to both rejuvenate dry and wrinkled skin but also to nourish the skin. Louana coconut oil for skin complaints has been helpful for many people, even reports of helping with Bursitis.

Another common q

uestion I get. Is louana coconut oil paleo diet compatible? Yes as coconut products meet the paleo diet requirements then so does virgin louana coconut oil. Cooking with the lou ana oil is a healthy option.

What are the louana coconut oil ingredients? According to the packaging and the company profile louana coconut oil contains 100% coconut oil and no other ingredients.

1/ A common remedy from the Caribbean Islands is to rub refined coconut oil on the head and chest when someone has bronchitis or congestion. Many in the USA also swear by this method using Louana coconut oil refined on the chest to alleviate coughs and bronchitis.

2/ Louana coconut oil for pets! I add a teaspoon of lou ana coconut oil to my pets food once a day by just mixing it in with their food. They do not seem to notice the flavor and my cat and dog have kept lovely shiny coats since I started adding this coconut oil for their skin and coats.

3/ Virgin louana coconut oil has also been reported by users to fix mouth ulcers in only a couple of days. Melt the refined coconut oil wait for it to cool enough to hold in your mouth and swish around and gargle. Do this twice a day with a tablespoon each time. This seems to be one of the many amazing benefits louana coconut oil is aiding people with.

4/ Pacific Islanders have been applying coconut oil to their skin for millennia both as a skin softener and also to protect the skin from the harsh pacific sun. Many Americans apply louana coconut oil for skin protection during summer, it helps to stop sunburn and aids in tanning the skin a lovely bronze, although research is yet to show if virgin coconut oil actually blocks out UV light damage on the skin.