‘Beloved’ Catholic School Teacher Says He Was Fired for Sexuality

Lindsey Nicholson / Getty Images
Lindsey Nicholson / Getty Images

A third-grade teacher at Maria Regina School in Seaford, Long Island, says he was fired from his job after someone sent the diocese pictures of him with his boyfriend. The teacher, Michael Califano, was reportedly informed of his termination on Wednesday, with officials telling him he’d violated the school’s guidelines for “living a Catholic lifestyle.” Parents at the school are planning a rally to support Califano on Friday. A Facebook group and petition have also been made to support Califano’s reinstatement. “Michael Califano, an immensely beloved, committed and diligent educator, has been unjustly dismissed from his role at a Catholic School,” the Change.org petition reads. “This decision not only affects Michael personally but it also deprives the community of a dedicated servant who consistently contributed to its enrichment.” Califano, who attended Maria Regina School before teaching there, says he would happily return to the classroom if the diocese gave him his job back.

Read it at News12 Long Island

Read more at The Daily Beast.