Belgium pledges $107 million to Ukraine for F-16 aircraft maintenance

The Belgian government approved the 25th assistance package for Ukraine, which contains 100 million euros ($107 million) for the maintenance and support of F-16 fighter jets through the international "fighter jet coalition," Belgian Defense Minister Ludivine Dedonder announced on March 29.

Belgium was among the first countries to join the coalition established in the summer of 2023 to bolster Ukraine's Air Force. The initiative has been spearheaded by the U.S., Denmark, and the Netherlands.

Last October, Belgium said that it would provide Ukraine with several F-16 fighter jets, without specifying a number, and help with the training for Ukrainian pilots in EU countries.

Apart from Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway have also pledged to supply Ukraine with dozens of U.S.-made fourth-generation jets.

According to the Danish Defense Ministry, Ukraine could receive the first F-16 fighter jets from Denmark "this summer." The total number of the jets to be delivered has not yet been announced, but The Telegraph estimated that Ukraine may receive as many as 60 F-16s.

Read also: F-16s for Ukraine: When will they arrive and what can they do?

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