Being on 'The Biggest Loser' Is a Drug-Fueled Living Nightmare

From Esquire

No one who has ever watched The Biggest Loser could think that being on the show is pleasant. Contestants are subjected to a punishing workout schedule and severely restricted diet all in the name of entertainment, and that's only what you see on camera.

But few could have predicted how disgusting and demeaning the reality of this reality show truly is until now. Former contestants have come forward with some scathing accusations in response to a New York Times article and NIH study recently published that showed almost none of the contestants keep off the weight they lost while on the show.

Trainers and doctors on the show allegedly offered competitors drugs to fuel their energy and weight loss.

"Bob Harper was my trainer," Joelle Gwynn, who was on 2008's "Couples" season, told the New York Post. "He goes away and his assistant comes in. He's got this brown paper bag that's bundled up. He says, 'Take this drug, it'll really help you.' It was yellow and black. I was like, 'What the f- -k is this?' "

The drug allegedly was a "yellow jacket" containing ephedra extract and was one of many drugs contestants used to speed their weight loss. Adderall and other drugs were also on offer.

"People would take amphetamines, water pills, diuretics, and throw up in the bathroom," Season 2's Suzanne Mendonca said. "They would take their spin bikes into the steam room to work up a sweat. I vomited every single day. Bob Harper tells people to throw up: 'Good,' he says. 'You'll lose more calories.'" Five people were rushed to the hospital during filming of her season, she added.

Dr. Rob Huizenga pushed back against the claims. "Nothing could be further from the truth," he said in a statement to the Post. "Contestants are told at the start of the show that there is zero tolerance for any weight-loss drugs. Urine drug screens and the evaluation of serial weights are repeatedly used to flush out possible illicit use."

Other contestants alleged that the show pressured them to put on excess weight before filming began for more dramatic results, and during one season, 12 competitors were housed in a bedroom together in Los Angeles with no air conditioning. They also had to shower together with no privacy and use Port-a-Potties because there were no working toilets.

"[Going on The Biggest Loser] is my biggest nightmare," said contestant Lezlye Donahue, "and it's with me to this day."