Behold What Is Possibly the Greatest 'Wheel of Fortune' Puzzle Solve in History

With $45,000 on the line, could you solve a three word puzzle with just two letters? A Wheel of Fortune contestant named Emil somehow did it last night, in one of the most remarkable moments in the show very remarkable history.

Emil was faced with a nearly impossible task in the final round. He only had two letters — "N-E"— after completely striking out with his picks, and had two words in his puzzle with zero letters at all. The category was "Thing," so the answer literally could have been any object in the universe.

Somehow Emil tapped into some Christian Laettner juju, and managed to blurt out "New Baby Buggy", which is like, c'mon, not really a "thing":

If people told you to list the "things" in your possession, "new baby buggy" would probably way down the list. But thankfully for Emil, he managed to figure it out:

This impossible guess landed Emil $45,000. But more importantly, puts him in elite company with some of the greatest Wheel players ever to walk this earth. Like: Caitlin "I've got a good feeling" Burke:

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And Amber "Tough Workout" Erhard, who won $1,000,000 dollars on the show:

If you ask the man in charge, Mr. Pat Sajak, he will tell you that Emil's Hail Mary was the greatest solve he's ever seen:


This article was originally published at

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