Becca Dyer Tesch files for election in Rochester council's Ward 6

May 23—ROCHESTER — Becca Dyer Tesch became the third candidate to officially file for the Ward 6 seat on the Rochester City Council, citing a need for new leadership amid future changes in the city.

"In serving in the Rochester Sports Foundation, I have seen the care and leadership this town is going to need in the next four years," said the nonprofit's past president.

The regional director of sales and marketing for Empire Hotels said her experience helping oversee the nonprofit's budget, along with connections to the hospitality community will serve her well in city leadership.

Looking toward future goals amid Mayo Clinic's expansion and other community growth, she said public safety, updating needed infrastructure and maintaining parks and recreation spaces are key issues that will face the council in the next four years.

The Rochester native who grew up in Ward 6 attending Elton Hill Elementary, John Adams Middle School and John Marshall High School said her desire to serve the city partly stems from watching her father, Tom Dyer, work for Rochester Public Utilities and provide a variety of community services over three decades, which included efforts to launch Rochesterfest.

"I have always wanted to serve, and the timing just seemed perfect," she said Thursday.

She joins Dan Doering and Mark Schleusner in filing to represent the ward currently served by Molly Dennis. With at least three candidates, an Aug. 13 primary election is expected to reduce the number of candidates to two for the Nov. 5 general election ballot.

The filing period for council races continues through June 4.