The beauty tips we picked up at London Fashion Week

The beauty tips we picked up at London Fashion Week  - Getty Images Europe
The beauty tips we picked up at London Fashion Week - Getty Images Europe

As the fashion tribe moves onto Milan for more spring/summer 2018 shows, we look back over London Fashion Week and the top beauty hacks we picked up from the experts backstage…

Not everyone can wear shimmery nail polish

Backstage at Roland Mouret, nail technician Marian Newman had four shades of polish and was selecting each one individually for the models depending on the condition of their hands and nails. Those with perfect hands were given Christian Louboutin Nail Polish in La Favorita, a pale nude, or Miss Mars, which is a shimmer charcoal hue. “The age of the models is defining which colour they get, it’s about the condition of their hands,” Newman told us. “Polishes with even the slightest shimmer can be very unforgiving, so you have to have good hands.”

For those who didn’t, Newman painted their nails a black hue called Khol and those who’s hands were somewhere in between received two coats of Very Prive, a classic burgundy-red.  

How to road-test hair products

“Women tend to be nervous about experimenting with hair products,” hairstylist Guido Palau told us backstage at Christopher Kane where he was soaking the hair with Redken Shine Flash 02, £15.50, and Control Addict 28, £13. Admittedly, Guido did point out that few if any women would use this amount of product day-to-day.

Redken Shine Flash 02
Redken Shine Flash 02

But he does encourage us to be a little more experimental with our hair: “I always recommend women try a product before they wash their hair rather than just afterwards,” Guido said. “And spray the product into their hands and rake it through, rather than applying it directly, that way it’s more controlled.”

There are many ways to wear glitter

Glitter was sprinkled backstage at shows across the capital. At Shrimps, lips were dusted with glitter, while at Topshop and Emporio Armani it was about slept-in, sparkly eye make-up. While the latter was strictly teal green, at Topshop make-up artist Lynsey Alexander alternated between pink and green glitter depending on which colour the models preferred.

“It was inspired by the London club scene in the late eighties and early nineties,” Alexander explained backstage. “It’s about a girl who’s been out all night and it feels more lived-in and fun rather than precise.” Some of the models had smoky, glittery eyes, others had smaller sparkly flicks. "There isn't a specific shape, we're working with the girls eye shapes," Alexander added. 

The make-up artist was sampling a new refined and highly pigmented eyeshadow in forest green from Topshop, which will be launching early next year and will no doubt encourage plenty of us to experiment with the sparkly stuff. In the meantime, the brand does have plenty of glittery products should you want to get involved right now...

The best hair looks from the spring/summer 2018 catwalks so far