Bear escapes enclosure at northeast India zoo

Officials at the Aizawl Zoological Park in Mizoram, India, said a bear -- not the animal pictured here -- escaped from its enclosure when high winds felled a tree. File Photo by Julie Larsen Maher/WCS/UPI

April 2 (UPI) -- Officials at a zoo in northeast India said a fallen tree allowed a bear to escape its enclosure, but the animal is believed to still be on zoo grounds.

The Aizawl Zoological Park in Mizoram issued an alert stating that recent strong winds toppled a tree in the bear's enclosure Monday and gave the animal a means of climbing out of the enclosure.

Officials said the bear is believed to be hiding somewhere on zoo grounds, and they have borrowed traps from the College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry in Selesih.

The bear has lived at the zoo for its entire life and is not believed to be aggressive toward humans, officials said.

Staff members armed with tranquilizer darts are on the hunt for the bruin, and officials said the zoo will remain closed Tuesday while the search is ongoing.