Bear cub found by Bainbridge man will get a chance at a return to the wild

Jonathan Evison found a tiny black bear cub alone in rural Clallam County last weekend.
Jonathan Evison found a tiny black bear cub alone in rural Clallam County last weekend.

Editor's note: This story was originally published in May. We are republishing it as we look back at some of our most-read stories of the year.

At first, Jonathan Evison wondered if he was hearing a raven. Or maybe that sound was more like a crying baby or a kitten. Or maybe a bear cub?

The Bainbridge Island resident and author tromped out into the woods on April 22, Earth Day, near his cabin in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains in rural Clallam County, hunting for the source. He found it at the base of a tree: a small, black, miserable form. The black bear cub he found was, in a word, helpless. The animal let out a series of pitiful cries and had difficulty climbing.

Evison stepped away, hoping that the bear’s mother might return. He returned to the area the following day after a cold and rainy night and again heard the cub crying out a short distance from where he’d left him. The cub struggled to free himself from underneath a tree.

“It really wasn’t much of a decision, and I just pretty much instinctively went up after it and freed it and then just put it back on its feet,” he said. The small bear flopped around and started to follow him.

“He’d been wandering around all night, and he was wet and miserable and desperate," Evison said. "He just started following me. He just latched on to me, literally, he was on my ankle.”

Evison said bear poachers have popped up in the area previously, and he wonders if the cub’s mother was killed or if the cub was simply abandoned. Either way, it was clear to him that the mother wasn’t going to return and that the cub wouldn’t survive on his own.

He waited to hear from a state Fish and Wildlife officer and eventually made contact with West Sound Wildlife Shelter on Bainbridge Island. He brought the cub to the facility, where the animal received fluids and an examination, and the bear was eventually transferred to PAWS, an animal facility in Lynnwood that specializes in black bear care.

Jonathan Evison received a photo from West Sound Wildlife Shelter on Bainbridge Island of the black bear cub he found in rural Clallam County.
Jonathan Evison received a photo from West Sound Wildlife Shelter on Bainbridge Island of the black bear cub he found in rural Clallam County.

“I felt like I was making the right decision, not that I had any choice as a compassionate human being,” Evison said. “I couldn’t have just left the little thing up there to die. That would’ve haunted me the rest of my days.”

“What, am I supposed to kick it in the bushes and outrun it? I feel OK about it. We sure miss him, he was such a cute little son of a gun.”

Jennifer Convy, senior director of wildlife, companion animal and education services at PAWS, told the Kitsap Sun that the cub appears to be healthy and said the facility hasn’t found any major medical issues. Convy said that typically cubs are born around January and estimated that this bear was about 4 months old.

“Like all babies, he sleeps a lot and eats a lot and plays around and goofs around and kind of stumbles around and plays with his feet and all those things that babies do at this stage,” she said.

Typically, mother bears don’t stray far from their cubs and are very protective, Convy noted: “They’re right there, they’re extremely protective. We don’t recommend approaching cubs or picking them up or touching them unless you’re talking to the professional first.”

Animal issues can be reported to the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife by calling 360-902-2936 or 911.

Jonathan Evison found a tiny black bear cub alone in rural Clallam County last weekend.
Jonathan Evison found a tiny black bear cub alone in rural Clallam County last weekend.

PAWS had a handful of bears in its care, and eventually, this cub was to be introduced to the others and get a chance to be released back to the wild.

“They’ll all end up together, and they will compete for food, fight for food, play with each other, basically enrich each other’s lives while in rehabilitation here,” Convy said. “Then when they’re old enough, which is typically about a year, they will be released back into the wild.”

PAWS takes a hands-off approach to bear care by minimizing human contact and goes so far as to have staff cover clothing and their faces by wearing a bear costume, she added. The shelter even eschews names for the animals. Bears forage for food hidden inside their enclosures, spend time together and eventually the shelter and Fish and Wildlife determine when bears are ready to be sent back to the wild.

Said Convy: “Because they’re housed in a group of bears, by the time release is here, their behavior is really great in the way of, they’re a wild bear and they should be fearful of humans and uncomfortable around humans."

This article originally appeared on Kitsap Sun: Animal shelter to care for bear cub found by Washington man