The BBC, Tully's Coffee, and Dumplings

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: David Leonhardt writes that the political discourse has "obscured what is arguably the nation’s biggest challenge: breaking out of a decade of income stagnation that has afflicted the middle class and the poor and exacerbated inequality." 

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World: The House of Commons hearings on the Jimmy Savile case in Britain have begun, and the leadoff witness was the director general of the BBC who is "likely to be followed by a host of officials from the BBC and other institutions caught up in the scandal who seem sure to be called as witnesses before the parliamentary panel, a police investigation and two inquiries by the BBC." 

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U.S.: Tully's Coffee, a Seattle coffee chain, struggles to provide an alternative to Starbucks

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New York: The Resorts World Casino New York City in Queens proves that "no matter how luxurious the accommodations or exciting the entertainment, nothing appeals more to gamblers than a casino that is nearby." 

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Business: The details of a cyberattack in Saudi Arabia, which the U.S. blamed on Iran

Health: The compounding pharmacy at the center of the meningitis outbreak "repeatedly failed to follow standard procedures to keep its facility clean and its products sterile" and "shipped some orders of the drug implicated in the outbreak without waiting for the final results of sterility testing."  

Sports: A retired doctor, Paul Butler, put Dover, New Hampshire "into the middle of a 21st century culture war" by suggesting an end to the high school football program over concerns of brain injuries.

Opinion: Maureen Dowd on her fantasy that Mitt Romney gets saddled with Joe Biden as vice president

Art & Design: A retrospective of the work of Rosemarie Trockel, a German artist little-known in the U.S., at the New Museum incorporates the work of other artists blurring the line between whose is responsible for what. 

Dining & Wine: Dwight Garner waxes about his love of the peanut butter and pickle sandwich. Asian dumplings are making their way onto more menus in New York and "it’s hard to snicker at the simple, plump lovability of this globe-spanning culinary trope: the very form of a dumpling, with a hidden knob of flavor all wrapped up in a bow of dough, calls to mind a tiny present that our species has decided to pass along to itself."