Bartender who sexually abused passenger aboard Jimmy Buffett-themed cruise avoids life sentence

WEST PALM BEACH — A cruise bartender accused of sneaking into a passenger's room and sexually assaulting two women while they slept has avoided a life sentence. The man, in his mid 20s, will spend just two years in prison instead.

At his latest and final court hearing, an attorney for Hoobesh Dookhy said the bartender deserved even less time than that. Assistant U.S. Public Defender Peter Birch described the outfit one of Dookhy's accusers wore aboard the Margaritaville at Sea Paradise cruise as "very scanty" and suggested that she "had no desire to escape" from her assailant.

"That's just vile," said Spencer Aronfeld, an attorney representing Dookhy's second accuser in a civil lawsuit. “It's so misogynistic that I’m angered and creeped out at the same time."

Birch's argument didn't resonate with U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, either. She sentenced Dookhy to two years in prison — one year more than federal sentencing guidelines advised and exactly what prosecutors asked for.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian Ralston called Dookhy's behavior "egregious" in a written motion to the judge. The prosecutor said Dookhy pocketed one of the women's room keys while serving drinks on May 5, hours after the Bahama-bound ship cast off from the Port of Palm Beach.

He used it to enter their room after both fell asleep.

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Margaritaville at Sea bartender claimed sex with cruise passenger was consensual

One women, identified in court records only as SE, said she woke to find Dookhy caressing her face and sexually assaulting her. She told FBI agents that she demanded he leave, but he moved to her cabinmate's bed and began to touch her, too.

SE pulled out her phone and recorded the assault, still demanding that Dookhy stop. She and her cabinmate, identified as HB, reported the incident to cruise-ship security in the morning.

According to court records, investigators found the women's room key in the pocket of Dookhy's work vest, as well as a selfie he took beside HB, naked and asleep, on his cellphone.

The bartender later admitted to having sex with HB but told investigators that their encounter was consensual. Faced with the possibility of life in federal prison on a sexual abuse charge, Dookhy pleaded guilty to one count of abusive sexual contact in October — forgoing his right to a trial by jury but cementing a deal with prosecutors to have the worst of the two charges dropped.

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Both charges in the criminal case stemmed from HB's assault, documented on her cabinmate's phone. SE, who for months was considered a witness rather than a victim, didn't accuse Dookhy of raping her, too, until December — months after Dookhy pleaded guilty.

No new criminal charges have stemmed from SE's accusation, which she detailed in a civil lawsuit against the Margaritaville ship in December. In the lawsuit, SE said she became pregnant as a result of the assault and "was forced to terminate the pregnancy, from which she then suffered serious complications."

Her attorney, Aronfeld, said SE did not undergo a paternity test to determine who fathered the child but said that his client intends to testify that she and her husband were not sexually active before or after the alleged rape.

He added that Dookhy's conviction and the subsequent media attention surrounding a lawsuit HB filed against the ship and its parent corporation convinced SE to file one, too. As Classica Cruise Line and its ship work to beat the lawsuits, Dookhy has begun to appeal his sentence from prison.

He is scheduled to be released before his 28th birthday. According to court records, he will remain on supervised release for five years and must register as a sex offender.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, the Palm Beach County Victim Services and Rape Crisis Center can help. Reach their helpline at 561-833-7273, or toll-free at 866-891-7273.

Hannah Phillips covers criminal justice at The Palm Beach Post. You can reach her at hphillips@pbpost.comHelp support our journalism and subscribe today.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Margaritaville cruise bartender avoids life in prison for sex abuse