From Banks to Plumbers, Lobby Groups Win Lockdown Relief

(Bloomberg) -- The powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other trade groups won new guidance from the federal government outlining exemptions to virus lockdowns that could send many employees back to work -- and risk exposing them to the spreading coronavirus pandemic.

The chamber, which is the biggest lobbying spender in Washington and a major force in Republican politics, had urged President Donald Trump in a letter Wednesday to declare nearly two dozen categories of businesses and services to be “essential.”

A division of the Department of Homeland Security identified many of those industries as critical in an advisory on Thursday.

The DHS guidance went even further than some of the trade groups’ demands to include health care, public safety, food, water, transportation, information technology, critical manufacturing and what it called the “defense industrial base.”

Guidance from the White House isn’t binding for states, but could help unify their polices about which companies provide essential services, freeing some industries from having to comply with a patchwork of local measures.

As the coronavirus spreads across the country, state and local authorities have issued stringent curbs, such as San Francisco’s shelter-in-place order, which also exempted workers involved in health care, food production, energy, sanitation, banks and telecommunications.

The shutdowns and other restrictions issued by states and municipalities in many cases are tougher than the federal guidelines already issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends against gatherings of 50 people or more.

If state and local governments adopt the new guidelines issued Thursday by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, that would likely expand the categories and numbers of workers exposed to the highly contagious virus.

While acknowledging that restrictions are needed to help limit the spread of infection, “it is important that quarantines don’t inadvertently harm businesses and services that support the essential infrastructure needed to successfully combat this pandemic,” Chamber Chief Executive Officer Tom Donohue wrote in a letter addressed to Trump Wednesday.

The trade groups are requesting the exemptions as shutdowns spark panic buying that has emptied shelves and forced companies to furlough workers and cut jobs.

The chamber had urged that the exemptions apply to companies providing water, food production and shipping, health-care, energy, internet, waste removal and other services such as plumbing, electrical and laundry.

The organization also suggested including restaurants and schools “operating under rules for social distancing,” as well as banks and stock exchanges. Restaurants and schools have been shut in many jurisdictions.

The National Association of Manufacturers, for instance, has called for all manufacturing facilities, employees and supply chains to be deemed essential.

The National Retail Federation, which counts Walmart Inc., Macy’s Inc. and American Express Co. among its 18,000 members, expressed concerns about closing pet stores, retail distribution centers and highway rest stops used by long-haul truck drivers in a separate letter to Trump Thursday. The group said big-box retailers could accommodate larger groups of customers than the CDC guidelines that limit contact to 50 people or less, while maintaining social distancing.

Groups representing news publishers, chemical manufacturers and the oil industry have made similar requests. The American Petroleum Institute, which represents more than 600 companies that produce, process and distribute oil and gas, is working with the government to identify personnel critical to maintaining operations throughout the energy supply chain, said spokesman Reid Porter.

More than four dozen industry groups ranging from household products and food and beverages to transportation also have pressed governments to set a clear framework to prevent shortages.

Some municipalities appear to have heeded at least a few of these concerns. New York State’s order forcing all businesses to reduce their in-office workforces, which takes effect Friday, excluded health-care, utilities, telecommunications, groceries, pharmacies, trash collection, mail and banks. San Francisco’s shelter-in-place order exempted many of the same categories as the chamber suggested.

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