Ban on poppies for international games scrapped in major victory for the British game

Fans at Wembley last year show their respects ahead of Remembrance Day last November  - PA Archive
Fans at Wembley last year show their respects ahead of Remembrance Day last November - PA Archive

The ban on poppies being worn during England and other home nations matches is to be scrapped in a major victory for the British game.

A climbdown by Fifa will allow all four countries to commemorate Armistice Day during international week in November without being punished for doing so, including at a planned Wembley friendly between England and Germany.

The Football Association and its Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish counterparts were fined over their remembrance activities last year, despite having previously been permitted to mark the occasion.

Following a backlash against Fifa’s change of stance – which the Prime Minister branded “utterly outrageous” – and a set of appeals which threatened to go all the way to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, the world governing body has finally agreed to allow countries to commemorate “a significant national or international event”.

Pending ratification by the International Football Association Board next month, a rule banning “political, religious or commercial messages” during matches will be tweaked to exempt certain political symbols if both teams are in agreement. Fines issued to the four home nations in December, yet to be paid while appeals were being pursued, are expected to be waived.

Wayne Rooney's black armband with a poppy on
Wayne Rooney's black armband with a poppy on last year

A circular to Fifa’s 211 member associations at the end of last week read: “Whilst ‘religious’ and ‘personal’ are relatively easily defined, ‘political’ is less clear.”

It added: “When commemorating a significant national or international event, the sensibilities of the opposing team (including its supporters) and the general public should be carefully considered.

“Competition rules may contain further restrictions/limitations, particularly in relation to the size, number and position of permitted slogans, statements and images. It is recommended that disputes relating to slogans, statements or images are resolved prior to a match/competition taking place.”

Germany are understood to have no objections to England’s Armistice Day plans during a friendly pencilled in for Nov 10 pending both teams having already qualified for the World Cup.

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will have to clear any proposed activities with their play-off or friendly opponents.

Whether they and England will finally follow the lead of Premier League clubs and wear shirts bearing the poppy remains to be seen.

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In 2011, Fifa refused to permit such a display in international fixtures but agreed to let England wear black armbands embossed with a small poppy following a direct appeal by the Duke of Cambridge and then Prime Minister David Cameron.

That continued to be the governing body’s stance until Gianni Infantino succeeded Sepp Blatter as president last year, with the new regime controversially adopting a stricter interpretation of the rules and warning the home nations they could face disciplinary action over their remembrance plans.

Secretary general Fatma Samoura even said: “Britain is not the only country that has been suffering from the result of war.”

During Prime Minister’s Questions a week before Armistice Day, Theresa May said: “Our football players want to recognise and respect those who have given their lives for our safety and security. I think it is absolutely right they should be able to do so.”

She added of the world governing body, which was still emerging from the game’s biggest-ever corruption scandal: “I should say to Fifa, before they start telling us what to do, they jolly well ought to sort their own house out.”

Theresa May
Prime Minister Theresa May even got involved in the debate last year

All four home nations defied Fifa’s warnings, with England and Scotland’s World Cup qualifier at Wembley on Armistice Day itself – Nov 11 – seeing both teams wear embossed armbands.

The build-up to kick-off also featured poppies on big screens, a minute’s silence and a rendition of The Last Post, while poppy T-shirts were handed to the crowd.

Fifa duly opened disciplinary proceedings against the FA and the Scottish FA, which were fined £35,300 and £15,690, respectively, a month later.

The Football Association of Wales was also fined £15,690 for offences it revealed included “fans in the stands wearing the poppy” and the presence of “a member of the armed forces holding a bunch of poppies at the exit of the tunnel” during their 1-1 draw against Serbia on Nov 12. The holding of a minute’s silence, the laying of a wreath and a poppy display by fans before Northern Ireland’s 4-0 win over Azerbaijan the previous day led to a £11,770 fine for the Irish FA.

The chairman of Fifa’s disciplinary committee, Claudio Sulser, said at the time: “Keeping in mind that the rules need to be applied in a neutral and fair manner across Fifa’s 211 member associations, the display, among others, of any political or religious symbol is strictly prohibited. In the stadium and on the pitch, there is only room for sport, nothing else.”

The FA, SFA and FAW all lodged appeals, with the IFA not joining them only due to there being no right of appeal for fines below a certain threshold.