Bakery opens in downtown Geneva

Mar. 30—GENEVA — Longtime fans of the Cake Corner Bakery showed up in force on Friday morning as the doors opened in Geneva for the first time.

"I am from Madison. I used to go their business in Madison and we love all their baked goods," said Karen Franz, who was waiting in a line of about 20 people.

Owner Tina Wyatt said she got the word out about the opening through social media.

"We have thousands of followers on Facebook," she said.

The Madison location closed several years ago so people were excited to get a shot at their favorite baked goods on an Easter weekend.

Wyatt said the bakery was not opened on the holiday weekend by design.

"We were just ready to open," she said.

The bakery has a wide variety of cakes, cupcakes and other sweets. The bakery is scheduled to be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today or until items are sold out, according to the bakery's Facebook page.

The bakery opened at 10 a.m. and at 10:10 a.m. there was a line out the door and down the street. People could be seen leaving with large boxes of yummy sweets.

Downtown Geneva is taking on a new look with new businesses opening along Broadway Street and other buildings being renovated in hopes of drawing more businesses to the center of town.

The Geneva Business Association and city leaders have also been discussing ways to increase options for people as they drive to and from Geneva-on-the-Lake along Route 531.