Baby Kangaroo Abandoned By Mom, Zookeepers Raise The Joey By Hand

A zoo animal care team in Florida has come to the rescue of a baby red kangaroo after she was ejected from her mom’s pouch.

The five-month-old baby girl was the fifth joey born to her 5-year-old mom Jacie, according to the Brevard Zoo's animal care team.

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The zoo believes the little one was pushed out of its pouch due to her mother's stress during a storm and they were unsuccessful in their attempts to try to reunite the two.

But thankfully, the care team has swooped in to rescue the joey and has decided to raise the joey by hand, creating an artificial pouch and bottle feeding the tiny kangaroo.

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“Red kangaroos don’t start emerging from the pouch until they’re about seven months old,” said Michelle Smurl, the Zoo’s director of animal programs. “We think this joey is five months old, so the situation is still very precarious.”  

Keepers feed the girl every four hours, day and night, and weigh her once per day.

Watch: Kangaroo Caught Hopping Around Iowa After Escaping from His Owner

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