Babies, Gunfire, in Japanese Reporter's Final Syria Footage

The final few seconds of the last footage shot by Japanese reporter Mika Yamamoto in Syria show gunfire breaking out as the camera falls to the ground. It's a disturbing image, especially juxtaposed with the tenderness Yamamoto shows in the video as she worries over a baby someone is carrying in the war-torn streets of Aleppo.

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The footage comes alongside more reports that regime forces are targeting journalists seen as sympathetic to the uprising. On Wednesday, Reuters reported that soldiers "shot Mosaab al-Odaallah, who worked for the state-run Tishreen newspaper, at point blank range after they entered his home as they were conducting house to house raids." But the regime forces aren't the only ones accused of targeting journalists. In June, gunmen attacked a pro-government television station, reportedly killing seven people. A tally by The Daily Star, of Lebanon, makes Yamamoto the sixth foreign journalist killed during the fighting, and puts the number of Syrian journalists killed at 11.