‘Avatar 2’ Confirmed Release Date Revealed

Avatar 2 release date confirmed
Avatar 2 release date confirmed

Ever since James Cameron’s fans saw Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington in the staggering world of Pandora in 2009 release Avatar, everyone knew that there was more to the story of Na’vi and humans in that alien world. Just after the release of this science-fiction movie, Cameron and his team started to work on the possible sequels. Now, it looks like the first sequel may finally have a confirmed release date.

The Exhibitor Relations has confirmed a number of upcoming releases, including two new Marvel movies, a confirmed date for Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Although, the movie Avatar 2 is not directly mentioned in their release, but it seems that they have dropped a hint for the fans.

The Exhibitor Relations has officially revealed that the next Untitled Fox/Lightstorm Film is scheduled to release on December 21, 2018.

As many of the readers are aware of this that Lightstorm is James Cameron’s production company which earlier produced Avatar. Just like the first part, it looks like Cameron will have 20th Century Fox as his distributing company for the upcoming sequels.

At the same time, the 64-year-old Stephen Lang, who will reprise his role of Colonel Miles Quaritch in upcoming sequels, recently talked about the production process of Avatar 2 and when fans can expect to see the film in theaters.

“As the New Year turns, we start to shoot for the Avatar sequels. I think that the whole process of making the films and opening the films will go to about 2023.”

Lang disclosure about the film’s production stages and release dates matches with Cameron’s earlier announcement, where he announced that his new movies would be released in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023. According to Variety, the esteemed director revealed that when he was working on the first part of the film, he predicted only two possible sequels. But after further brainstorming with four of his screenwriters and his graphics team, he decided to narrate the story in four different parts.

“We have decided to embark on a truly massive cinematic project, making four epic films, each of which stands alone but together forms a complete saga,” he added.

Having said that, will fans get to see Avatar 2 around the time of Christmas in 2018?

Well, that’s another question entirely.

During his earlier conversation with Montreal Gazette, Cameron addressed the delay in the awaited sequels. The Titanic director went on to say that for him, the most important thing is to focus on story and how they are executing it – not worrying about the release date.

“I don’t consider that to be as important as the fact that when we get all three films done, we drop them a year apart,” he further elaborated his vision.

Producer Jon Landau also shared his insights about the delay in the production. During his interview with Empire Magazine, Landau explained that just like Avatar, they have again collaborated with Peter Jackson’s WETA technology to create CGI for the film, and all the graphically enhanced character design takes a lot of time.

“WETA are already working and we have our core team, (animation supervisor) Richie Baneham and (digital effects’ supervisor) Nolan Murtha, working with us. And we’re working on underwater performance-capture,” he further added.

Landau further revealed that the upcoming movie will have a lot of ocean sequences but the movie will focus on the other sub-plots that were addressed in the first part.

“It’s not going to be all underwater; [the Pandora ocean is] going to be a place we go to, leave and come back to.”

James Cameron’s Avatar 2 was earlier supposed to release on Dec. 2017, but now from the recently released date, it looks like the fans of this epic sci-fi movie saga will have to wait for another year to see the world of Pandora.

[Featured Image by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images]

‘Avatar 2’ Confirmed Release Date Revealed is an article from: The Inquisitr News